A Sandy Beach Almanac
You've landed at Sandy Beach, NSW, Australia: Lat. -30.15331, Long. 153.19960, UT +10:00 – local map & zoom Google map. I live in a cabin on this beach, 25 kilometres north of the traffic and shops of Coffs Harbour, 600 km north of Sydney. My intention is to post observations of Nature and life within 1 km (1,000 paces) of my South Pacific home.
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Thursday, June 29, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Pregnant Gouldian
Meanwhile, Johnny Gould is busy renovating last season's nest in the nesting box. What a man!
(If you also live with uncaged birds indoors, there's a flickr group called Uncaged! Birds in our homes just for you.)
New flickr group for North Coast photos
Tagged: flickr, photos, photography, australia
Spangled drongo
This one is fairly young, as the spots haven't fully formed on his body, and he was crying out, presumably for his mother.
Tagged: australia, birds, nature, photos, photography, flickr
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Flying foxes at Woolgoolga
At about 9.30 am these Flying foxes at Woolgoolga were keeping each other awake with a cacophony of squabbling, squawking and screeching.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
My talk on the Lawsons
In this one-hour talk I covered in haste the relatively unknown lives of these two great Australians -- the 'Mother of Women's Suffrage' and her poet/author son. I covered such topics as terrorism, sedition, communes, mental illness, and much more.
It was very pleasing that more than 90 people returned RSVPs for this occasion. Unfortunately, space was limited and more than 20 people had to be turned away. My thanks to Enzo Accadia and Judy Atkinson for organising the sucessful wine and cheese night, and to all who attended on a cold and rainy Winter Solstice night.
This is the best photo available. The blue sleeve is because I stood in front of the projector.
Tagged: henry+lawson, louisa+lawson, australia, australian+history, progressive, radical+history, literature
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
Sunday, June 18, 2006
The whales cometh
I've been checking the Pacific regularly but not yet seen any of this year's migrators as they head from the Southern Ocean to Winter and breed in warmer climes off Queensland. I'll keep checking, but of course I can't be sure I'll see them. If you're a local and see the whales, I'd be very pleased to hear from you so I can race onto the beach with my camera.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Grandkids and roos
Tagged: australia, environment, flickr
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Injured kangaroo
This young buck was on a low bridge about 2km from The Ponderosa, on Graham Drive at Sandy Beach this morning. He had a broken leg and was covered in mud as he had come out of the swamp where perhaps he had been thrown by a car, maybe last night or at dawn -- he was flailing around all over the road.
I had the devil's own time trying to slow down the Saturday traffic around him while waiting an hour for a licensed shooter from WIRES, the state-wide wildlife rescue service, to put the poor fellow down as he was considered to be beyond saving.
When driving at day or night, but especially at twilight, please keep an eye out for roos in this area as they sometimes hop out from the scrub at quite high speeds. It's a danger to them, and to you.
Tagged: australia, wildlife
Friday, June 02, 2006
John Gould gathers for the nest
John takes this to the nest box in the bathroom, and he's been weaving a very nice nest -- much nicer than the earlier picture I posted, the one with the egg -- for when Lizzie does start laying properly.