A Sandy Beach Almanac

You've landed at Sandy Beach, NSW, Australia: Lat. -30.15331, Long. 153.19960, UT +10:00 – local map & zoom Google map. I live in a cabin on this beach, 25 kilometres north of the traffic and shops of Coffs Harbour, 600 km north of Sydney. My intention is to post observations of Nature and life within 1 km (1,000 paces) of my South Pacific home.


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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Out for an "early"

Out for an "early"
Out for an "early",
originally uploaded by Pip_Wilson.
Two surfers out for an "early", at dawn this morning.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a beautiful picture, Pip. My comment isnt about it, though. We have a mutual friend named Stuart MacWatt and I wanted to tell you that Stuart had a heart attack Tuesday evening around 10pm Wight time and is in the hospital on Wight. I am very close to him but cannot communicate with him except by computer, but he had his wife email me when she got home from the hospital at 4am and she told me that his chest pain went from a 10 to a 1 after they had medicated him and he was undergoing tests through the night and today to determine if there was heart damage and if he had a blockage. I haven't heard anything all day today, so I take it he is still in the hospital. I will let you know by this method how he fares when I hear anything more. I know you and he are good friends and have a spot on each other's blog for the other. You know me as Hoosier Hannah, "Annie Johnson" Plainfield, Indiana, USA I proofread all Stuart's writing for Britannia.com and OfftoLondon.com where he writes as Burlington Bertie. Say a prayer for him to recover fully. Love, Annie

2:35 AM  
Blogger Pip Wilson said...

I'm terribly sorry to hear that, Annie. Thanks for letting me know. It might be best if you use my email for contact ... there's a link in the menu bar at top of the page. I'd be happy to hear more as you find out. Thanks again.

7:45 AM  

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