A Sandy Beach Almanac
You've landed at Sandy Beach, NSW, Australia: Lat. -30.15331, Long. 153.19960, UT +10:00 – local map & zoom Google map. I live in a cabin on this beach, 25 kilometres north of the traffic and shops of Coffs Harbour, 600 km north of Sydney. My intention is to post observations of Nature and life within 1 km (1,000 paces) of my South Pacific home.
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Monday, July 17, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
The wheel turns
But we have had some wonderful warm days with scarcely a cloud in the sky, and temperatures of 20 degrees Celsius. And we are well past the Solstice soon it will be Spring, but as the days lengthen, of course, the cold strengthens, and the next month is Sandy Beach's coldest period. By the time late August and September come, we'll be back in our T-shirst, by day anyway. The wheel of the year turns so beautifully.
September will mark something else. I will be moving to Emerald Beach, two beaches south of Sandy. It's a beautiful place, but I won't be actually on the beach as I am here. It's a matter of economics, as so many things are. I will be taking a house rather than a cabin, as my 14-year-old son Remy is coming to live with me. A cabin on Sandy Beach is affordable. A house on any beach in NSW is not.
I'll miss Sandy, and Sandy Beach Almanac, but I'll have something much better in my life, namely my wonderful son, and a very nice domestic situation in and village in which to enjoy a new phase. There won't be an Emerald Beach Almanac in the foreseeable future. The wheel will have moved on.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Today's rainbow
Monday, July 03, 2006
No dolphins, just a cloud
Near the back of the beach (I mean where the vegetation begins) I stood on a sandhill a bit more than a metre high, to get the best vantage point I could in this relatively flat environment.
Just then about eight dolphins surfed a wave. Behind them, the island on the horizon. Behind the island, a massive bank of thick, white, billowing cumulus clouds. The sun was over my left shoulder. All was perfect. I clicked, the camera worked and I was pretty excited.
Unfortunately, my camera (as much as I think it's briliant) on long distance shots takes a long time with the shutter, and is not great with zoom shots, so all I got was a nice scenic shot of the beach. :: sigh ::
Oh well, here's the cloud from last evening. Better than nothing I guess.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Help keep four-wheel drives off beaches
Hi Mr Wilson
I just typed in sandy beach and got onto your web site. just wanted to let you know, I cant believe nothing has been done about vehicle access to the beach so I took your advice and emailed the following to your local newspapers, radio and council. hope it helps because we wish to move up to the area after christmas.
Whilst holidaying in coffs harbour we discovered sandy beach, The kids myself and my partner thought it was the best beach. however each day we visited 4wds would access the beach and drive along it. why? they clearly had no boat or boat trailer at tow. the sign clearly states no cars, my 7 yr old son soon grabbed his 3 yr old sister when a nissan navara went past. I was too slow to get a rego and the vehicle too fast. Then if i did have a rego what do i do, it would be my word against theirs. what can we do to stop this. Does council need to resort to bollards to cordon off the boat ramp area to stop nuisance 4wders? In this situation emergency vechicle access would be hindered because of nuisance 4wders.
yours sincerely
G. McC
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Tucker time
I'm a member of the Rainbow Region flickr group for North-eastern New South Wales.
Where is Moby Dick?
What I missed last week was a white humpback whale -- an albino like Moby Dick -- which was seen locally heading north. This week's copy of the local The Independent newspaper has a photo.