Egg Number One
I've expected this egg for at least a couple of weeks as Johnny has been collecting fibres and taking them to the nesting box, which for more than a year neither of them had showed any interest in. Then, about two three days ago, Lizzie's behaviour was very unusual. She was walking around as much as flying, and eating twice as often as usual. Sometimes she would walk right up to me at my desk, and one time she actually flew and landed at my left hand, which is very unlike these scaredy-cat little flying flowers.
Also, about five or six days ago, when I awoke, Lizzie was missing, and Johnny was upset and whistling for her. I found sitting quietly her in a box of junk in the corner of the shack, but there was no egg as far as I could see. She let me pick her up, take her into the other room and place her in the nesting box.
The egg, by the way, is miniscule -- probably only about 12mm long, and pure white. I had no idea what to expect. According to this expert a Gouldian hen lays a clutch of about five to seven eggs. Now I'll be watching for any more nice surprises during the coming week.
(If you also live with uncaged birds indoors, there's a flickr group called Uncaged! Birds in our homes just for you.)
Tagged: finches, bird, birds, gouldian, egg, nest, australia, pet, uncaged
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