A Sandy Beach Almanac

You've landed at Sandy Beach, NSW, Australia: Lat. -30.15331, Long. 153.19960, UT +10:00 – local map & zoom Google map. I live in a cabin on this beach, 25 kilometres north of the traffic and shops of Coffs Harbour, 600 km north of Sydney. My intention is to post observations of Nature and life within 1 km (1,000 paces) of my South Pacific home.


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Thursday, January 20, 2005

Joggers, kiddies: need an artery slashed?

In the park by Sandy Beach is a low post-and-rail fence on which the rails are affixed by hundreds of straps of galvanised iron. A great many of these straps are rusted, sharp and/or hanging off the posts and rails and constitute a very serious danger to anyone using the park. Click the thumb to enlarge.

I worked for three years in Sydney Children's Hospital, and I've seen in the wards what nasties like this can do. I asked Coffs Council 6 months ago to do something about it and feel that my concern was ignored.

If you think veins and arteries are worth protecting, why not join me in telling:

The General Manager,

Coffs Harbour City Council
Locked Bag 155
Coffs Harbour NSW 2450

Website Contact

And my friend Baz 'Protect Small Fluffy Animals and Children' le Tuff, the photographer, will I'm sure be happy if you use his picture.


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